Wednesday, 1 April 2009


There are colors in the sky

With every face having a

different color ,

non identified , non realized

what is the color there for?

Is it hiding the identity or

is it making one ???

Every colored identity taking

an upright stand with sword

in one hand and sand in other.

What is the sword there for?

Is it there to gave them an identity

or is it there to take one???

There is some fire there in the

hearts to have the color ,

to fight for what they thought

is there identity.

What is the fire there for?

Is it there to burn others

or is it there to burn themselves???


  1. must say a complete change of mood in this poem of urs as compared to the ur last one....but u ve really posed a good ques through ur this poem abt people nd their identity nd whether they do all these things to reveal their identity or to hide it from others.....a really nice poem must say. :)

  2. Very well written & more than that raises a very interesting debate as to if there is something at the core of a man which is perpetual. It's considered shallow to judge someone by their outward identity or 'colors' as you metaphorically stated, but what if the very character that defines a man, the very driving force or the fire within is a variable of time & circumstances?

  3. ya that's the basic core of the story...No one can take an identity of ur's ,then what for we all are fighting?? No one need's a mask or a color to hide what he is...ya buts it's the circumstances that gave them one..

  4. well quiet a food for thought kinda thing.It is quiet well written but what i fail to grasp is this genuine conflict between having an identity or trying to loose one.why this pulchritude and yet pulverent feeling stirs in oneself? my point is that ones identity is unique yet we strive to make a name to be a colour unique in oneself.nice stuff mate
